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Newest Eagle Scout
The troop congratulates its newest Eagle Scout, Will C. He passed the Eagle Court of Review on Monday, Jan. 6th.
Will's Eagle project can be seen at the McGivney Community Center in Bridgeport. He planned and supervised other scouts in the construction of a large custom storage cabinet that provides improved, regulated access to arts and crafts supplies used by underprivileged youth.
Good job, Will. The troop is proud of your achievement reaching the highest rank in scouting.
We'll focus on advancement for the upcoming January meetings on the 14th and 21st.
For younger scouts (generally Second Class and lower), we'll work on the following at these three meetings:
- Intro sessions on how to use Scoutbook — please work with your parents to set up your account (see instructions below)
- Completing any final scout rank requirements. Please review what you have remaining and be ready to discuss
- Tenderfoot requirements: 3a - 3d. Study your knots.
- Tenderfoot requirements 4a - 4d. Study First Aid.
- First class 3a - 3d. Lash a useful camp tool.
- Older scouts will be available to sign-off on any other requirements that you have completed
For older scouts (generally above 2nd class depending on what advancement you have to complete):
We'll set up several merit badge workshops. You'll chose from the following which are Eagle required:
- January 14th: Environmental Science
- January 14: Citizenship in the World
- January 21st: Intro to Personal Management
Please review the requirements on the badges that you would like to complete. The First Aid merit badge will be scheduled as a 1- 2 weekend sessions; the time and place to be determined.
Campout...Winter Sequassen
Friday, January 31st - Sunday, February 2nd
Please join us for this unique camp out at our beloved summer camp, Camp Sequassen in New Hartford, CT. We'll leave Ridgefield on Friday night January 31st and return Sunday morning, February 2nd. Activities are TBD (to be determined) but will be somewhat weather dependent. At night, we will have access to a heated cabin to place games, eat, hang out. Join your friends and sign up here.
Troop 76 Ski Trip
February 28th - March 2nd, Mt. Snow, Vermont
This is the annual fun Troop 76 Ski Trip and bowling with dinner on Saturday night.
Accommodations: We will be staying at the West Dover Congregational Church
When: Most people will depart Friday night Feb. 28th and returning after skiing on March 2nd
Costs: If you do not have the Epic ski pass, please purchase your own lift tickets. The troop will cover the cost of lodging and also dinner/bowling on Saturday night. Scouts will be responsible for dinner on the road up to the mountain and lunch/breakfast while at Mt. Snow. Sign up here.
Create a Scoutbook Account
Scoutbook is the online BSA software to track advancements and coordinate events.
Scoutbook can be accessed online, and via the Scouting App for Android and iOS. In Scoutbook, scouts and parents can track advancement and merit badge status, upcoming events, service hours, and other troop activities. Parents, please set up a Scoutbook account for your scout by following these instructions.
We'll continue signing off rank advancement in the paper scout manuals and utilizing blue cards for merit badges, in addition to recording advancement in Scoutbook.
Scouts should be saving blue cards in their binders, and storing their scout manual in a safe place. Keeping paper backups of your advancement and merit badges is even more important over the next few months in case we lose data during this transition.
If you have questions, please contact Advancement Chair Mrs. Pearl at or check in with any of the legacy 431 leaders, since they have been using Scoutbook.
Scoutmaster Announcements
The Ryan Adams College Scholarship
The troop has a good number of eligible Eagles who could apply for this scholarship established for Troop 76 Eagle Ryan Adams. It's been a several years since a Ridgefield scout earned this scholarship. Deadline is March 1. For information, click here.
Scouts can request a Board of Review for advancement any time.No need to wait for the next Court of Honor. If you've completed advancement requirements, schedule a Scoutmaster conference, then request a Board of Review by contacting Mrs. Pearl, the Advancement Chair.
Please mark your calendars for Summer Camp 2025
Our week at Camp Sequassen is July 20–26 next summer.
Philmont Scout Ranch, New Mexico
Scouting High Adventure, Summer 2026
Good news. Troop 76 has been accepted to send a group to Philmont. Please mark your calendars for our adventure from July 5th - July 12th, 2026. Our trip will likely start earlier, July 2nd or 3rd, to Colorado Springs. Troop 76 scouts have been enjoying Philmont for years. It's a unique experience of a lifetime.
Scoutmaster Michael Pearl
Community Service Opportunities & Guidelines
A Taste of Ridgefield: Community Service Project
The Ridgefield Rotary Club seeks volunteers for the upcoming culinary event, "A Taste of Ridgefield".
Date: Sunday, February 2, 2025
Location: Ridgefield Parks & Recreation Center, 195 Danbury Road
Two Shifts Available: 10 am - 2:00 pm, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Duties include: Helping set up, empty garbage pails, and potentially help serve food
Benefits: Earn troop service hours. Scouts working on the Citizen in the Community Merit Badge can work both shifts and earn the required 8 hours all at once, while being able to eat great food. Another benefit is that you could get ONE free guest pass per shift.
If you're interested, please sign up here on this Google Doc.
More Activities and Opportunities outside the Troop
Troop 76 belongs to the Connecticut Yankee Council, Scouting's regional organization located in Milford. "Council" organizes and sponsors scouting activities available for all troops and packs in its region. Details for events are available on Council's activity newsletter, Trail Notes. Check it out here.
Council Events
The Connecticut Yankee Council, the regional BSA office, offers exciting events and programs for cub and boy scouts under their umbrella. Here's Council's latest newsletter. These events are not organized or staffed by Troop 76, however all scouts may sign up.
Financial Assistance
If a scout family is in need of financial assistance at any time, please contact Troop Committee Chair David Luhman. All financial assistance requests are kept strictly confidential.
© Copyright 2024, Boy Scout Troop 76, Ridgefield, Connecticut. All rights reserved. For information, e-mail, or Troop 76 is a member of the Aquila District in the Connecticut Yankee Council, and hosted by St. Stephen's Church, 353 Main St., Ridgefield, CT 06877
Merit Badge Info
Troop 76 Parents Guide
Troop 76 Uniform Policy
New Scouts & Parents
How to Advance
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Eagle Scout page
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Hiking Trails in Ridgefield
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